Children and Youth
Infant and Young Children at Silver Spire are welcome to stay with their parents during worship or to attend our staffed nursery. There is an activity table near the front of the Sanctuary with colouring pages, games and activity sheets to keep little minds occupied while parents enjoy service.
Supper Church:
is a regular gathering for all ages to experience church “outside of the box.” During each event we have a different theme or story which is explored through crafts, a worship celebration, and a shared meal. This gathering is for kids, parents, grandparents or anyone looking to be a part of an inter-generational group. Our program begins at 4:30 pm and ends by 7:00 pm (to confirm dates, please call the Church Office). Call us at 905-682-8328 for information about Supper Church. It’s a fresh, new way of experiencing church. It’s creating, worshiping and sharing a meal together! For all ages. Fun. Free. Family-friendly.
Youth Group:
The youth at Silver Spire gather each week with their talented leaders. Thursday evenings (7:00 – 9:00 p.m.) are a time of fun, exploring our faith and building community.
Niagara Youth Festival:
We wanted to bring high school aged youth and their leaders to the amazing Niagara Region, to connect and grow as people of faith. This has been a huge success thanks to inspiring speakers, worship, and workshops, over 300 people of faith from across Ontario and Western New York joined together to learn, laugh, and grow together. For more information: